Saturday, March 22, 2008

Meatwad Hat

All it needs are the eyes and mouth, which I will probably get done tomorrow!

Monday, March 10, 2008


It's done!

Stash Headband finished!

Stash Headband finished!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Knitting away....

My latest project (since I finished the bib I was working on)...

WIP headband

A stash headband. It will have a small pocket, just big enough for my very small cellphone and some chapstick.

And the new bag Ben bought me... I love it sooooooooooo much. I can carry my knitting and all my other stuff without it running out of room...

my alice bag

Thursday, March 06, 2008

This is now going to be my official knitting blog.

This is a bib I am knitting for my cousin in law and his wife. They are expecting a boy in about a month!